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Step-by-Step Guide to Making White Clothes White Again:

1. Gather Your Supplies:

  • Laundry detergent

  • Baking soda or white vinegar

  • Hydrogen peroxide (optional)

  • Bleach (optional: use sparingly, according to the label)

  • Lemon juice (optional, for natural whitening)

  • A large basin, sink, or washing machine

  • Sunlight (optional, for drying)

2. Check the Care Labels:

  • Always read the care labels on your white clothes to make sure they can handle the cleaning methods you plan to use. Some fabrics are sensitive to bleach or high heat.

3. Pre-Treat Stains:

  • If there are visible stains (like sweat, deodorant, or food), pre-treat the stained areas by applying a small amount of laundry detergent or a paste made of baking soda and water directly to the stains.

  • Gently rub the fabric together or use a soft brush to work the solution into the stain.

Method 1: Baking Soda & Vinegar

4. Create a Baking Soda Solution:

  • Fill a basin or your washing machine with warm water.

  • Add 1 cup of baking soda to the water and mix until dissolved.

5. Soak the Clothes:

  • Submerge your white clothes in the baking soda solution.

  • Let them soak for 30 minutes to an hour. Baking soda helps lift stains and brighten white fabrics.

6. Add Vinegar (Optional):

  • For extra whitening power, add 1 cup of white vinegar to the soak. Vinegar helps remove yellowing and odors without damaging the fabric.

7. Rinse or Wash:

  • After soaking, either rinse the clothes with clean water or run them through a regular wash cycle in your washing machine with your usual detergent.

  • Make sure to use cold or warm water to avoid damaging the fabric.

Method 2: Lemon Juice & Sunlight

8. Prepare a Lemon Juice Solution:

  • Squeeze the juice of 2-3 lemons into a basin of warm water.

  • Lemon juice acts as a natural bleaching agent and is gentle on fabrics.

9. Soak the Clothes:

  • Soak your white clothes in the lemon juice solution for 30 minutes to an hour.

10. Rinse and Sun Dry:

  • After soaking, rinse the clothes thoroughly with clean water.

  • Hang the clothes outside in the sunlight to dry. The sun’s UV rays naturally whiten fabrics, making this method ideal for restoring brightness.

Method 3: Hydrogen Peroxide & Baking Soda

11. Create a Whitening Solution:

  • Mix 1/2 cup of hydrogen peroxide with 1/2 cup of baking soda and a small amount of water to create a paste.

12. Apply to Stained Areas:

  • Rub the paste onto any heavily stained or yellowed areas of the clothing.

13. Soak the Clothes:

  • Let the clothes soak in warm water with 1 cup of hydrogen peroxide for 30 minutes to an hour.

14. Wash as Usual:

  • After soaking, wash the clothes in your washing machine using a normal cycle with your regular detergent.

Method 4: Use Bleach (For Whites Only)

15. Use Bleach Sparingly:

  • For tough stains or heavy yellowing, use bleach as a last resort.

  • Add 1/4 cup of bleach to your washing machine’s bleach dispenser or dilute it in water for a hand wash.

  • Do not mix bleach with any other cleaning agents like vinegar or ammonia, as it can create toxic fumes.

16. Wash in Cold Water:

  • After using bleach, wash the clothes in cold water to avoid further damage to the fabric.

Final Steps:

17. Air Dry or Sun Dry:

  • After washing, hang your white clothes to dry. If possible, dry them outside in direct sunlight, as the sun can naturally brighten whites.

18. Repeat if Necessary:

  • If the clothes are still not as white as you'd like, you can repeat the process or try a different method.


  • Avoid Over-Bleaching: Frequent use of bleach can weaken fabric fibers and cause yellowing over time.

  • Separate Whites from Colors: Always wash your white clothes separately from colored clothes to prevent dye transfer.

  • Regular Maintenance: To keep whites bright, add a little baking soda or vinegar to your regular wash cycle for whites.

White Clothes White Again
Tel Aviv-jaffa



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